Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jury expected to watch Witherspoon interview video today

The first-degree murder trial of Misty Witherspoon resumes today in Iredell County Superior Court following a recess for Independence Day.

A week after testimony began in the trial of the Mooresville woman, some eight witnesses have taken the stand.

For the full story, click here.


Anonymous said...

As a wife of a police officer as well as a mother to his children, I find it very, very hard to believe her story. To do such a thing to your husband and your children, even to contemplate suicide is a selfish act. She needs some serious mental help. Also, I know several police officers wives that NEVER touch their husband's duty weapon instead asking them to move it or even waking them up to move it. And how many officers with kids hang their gun belt on the back of a bathroom door where a toddler could easily move a chair and reach up and grab??? Just some facts to think about...

Anonymous said...

I thought she didn't know there was a safety on the gun when questioned by police. Her attorney stated in open arguments that she took the safety off before putting the gun to her head

Anonymous said...

Quinn was worth more to Misty dead. She was planning on getting the insurance payouts and government death benefits. Accident, suicide, I think not, just plain old greed and selfishness on her part for not allowing those children to have their father. Suicide on her part would have been a better plan.

Anonymous said...

I am proud to have been good friends with Quinn and blessed to have known him . I am a police officer myelf and mourn the loss of my friend daily. This was a truly selfish act and I hope justice will be served. I believe the prosecution is doing a fine job. Quinn's death was a murder and nothing else. It was difficult to see his wife at the funral home, the church and the grave side not crying and "keeping her emotions on the inside" but how can you look at pictures of your dead husband of 11 years and not even wence, cry or turn away. Quinns friends had to leave the court room because the could not stand to see thier friend with a hole put there by someone he loved. I hope the jury can see how cold and caculating she is as she continues to put her emotions on the inside. A sociopath can do this since the feel no guilt even though they are guilty.